Kaburiro and Nyarusange health centres and Cyungo Health Post
THE 2010 GROUP visiting Rwanda helped dig the foundations to Nyarusange Health Centre when they turned out on one of our planned ‘community days’ to assist. The work was hard, and we soon learned that if you wish to dig a hillside out in a particular area of Rwanda to make good the land for the construction of a building, you work together and do it yourselves.
Since that time we have, periodically, sent funding to assist in the building of this much-needed Health Centre which is in a very remote part of the country and a long way from the nearest medical centre at Nyabinaga – particularly if you are ill and have to travel on foot.
In September 2013 we heard that the Health Centre was finally taking in day patients and offering medical treatment – as our last payment had helped make good the internal walls and install a floor. We had already donated a Safe Water Trust Community Water Filter, to the Health Centre through our partnership with Aquabox in order that clean water could be available from the outset.
We have, in the past year sent an initial payment to Rwanda which was used for the purchase of bricks and to employ local labour to start work on the new Health Centre in Kaburiro - the village where Ephaste comes from and which the 2014 group visited and subsequently put in a water supply to both of the large village schools - a Primary and a Secondary. The new Health Centre will tap into this same water supply once established.
It is very rewarding when a scheme like this comes to fruition – so many people who badly need medical care can now be helped. Initially the Centre is being staffed by trained Doctors and Nurses who travel from Nyabinaga Medical Centre – but it should ultimately have its own staff.